Ranking rules

 Yearly ranking calculation Activators

  •  Starting from January 1th 2024, the yearly ranking will be based on below three different counters
  1. A QSO multipliers is added to calculate your activation points per ONFF reference with a maximum score 10. Each time your QSO number reach the multiple of 44 your earn one additional multiplier point. No accumulation per calender year and limited to one calender day log. Your minimum required QSO level is set to 44 except if your operate has a QRP station, minimum level is 22 (read QRP statement below).
  2. One bonus point will be added to calcute your QSO ranking points, when your operation follows the "GoGreen" principal. Follow the link to provide the GoGreen condition as explained in the "Introduction" participation guidelines.   https://www.cqgma.org/doc/GoGreen-XOTA.pdf
  3. One bonus point will be added to calculate your  QSO ranking points, when your operating conditions apply QRP transmitter conditions.All kind of QRP equipment will be accepted, if the maximum power is limited to operational conditions below discripted.

👆 QRP is a way of operating that involves using low power transmitters, this means no more than 5 Watts for Morse - data modes, or 10 Watts pep for voice - SSB mode.

👆 For both point 2 & 3 to obtain bonus , GoGreen @ QRP operators should deliver proven evidence by means of photographs or any other means of the way of travel and/or used equipment.

 ðŸ‘‰ From now we accept only two logs from two different ONFF references per calender day per operator call. All additional logs will ignored but upload to WWFF.

👉 Each activation shall last at least 60 minutes.( except for QRP stations)

😎  Please read all instruction and log approval guideline here


Yearly ranking for Hunters 

  • Available for all ON-stations working ONFF references
  • Ranking available on the WWFF website, page https://wwff.co/logsearch/top-operators/
  • Select in the pull-down menu, year 2024 and program ONFF
  • First 10 will receive an hunters participation award. 
  • Update page every day around 02.00 AM